An illustrated banner depicting a winged teddy bear holding a bow and arrow in a shooting stance. Its eyes are closed in a peaceful manner, and its body is in a horizontal position, as if floating in the air, one leg bent cutely. Behind it is a frilly curtain.

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Background art for Neula ❤️ happy 166666 visitors!

A drawing of a smartphone with a heart on its screen, surrounded by hearts. The text 'Mobile Friendly!' is placed to the right of these graphics. A drawing of a cat with a construction helmet on, holding a wrench on its left paw and a paintbrush on the other, next to the text 'hosted by neocities'. A drawing of a right hand holding a pen, with the words 'Guest book' placed next to it. A button that reads 'FujoFans web listing'. A web button that reads 'Neocities SoHo'. There is a painting palette next to the text. The button links to a site named Neocities SoHo Residential District. A web button that reads 'Satan'. The text is placed over an illustration of a sad-looking chibi-style character with wings on their head.


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