⭐Mis Mascotas

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User Lookup: spillingdown

He aquí mis animales. No son muchos, pero comen como si lo fueran. Todos vienen de la calle, algunos los levanté, otros llegaron y se quedaron. Los quiero aunque apesten y vivo para pagarles sus medicinas.

Las Creaturas

Los Detalles

Me he robado esta página entera de SCUMSUCK, aunque he creado mis propios iconos con diseños de mis mascotas. Yo también crecí con Neopets y no hay año en que no piense en ese sitio, sus enviciantes juegos, sus mapas secretos, y los miles de neopets hambriados que hemos dejado encerrados en cuentas de las cuales ya no recordamos la contraseña.

Creo que he limpiado el código más o menos bien, pero quizás queden cosas por ahí que enlacen al sitio de SCUMSUCK. Luego lo arreglo.

Aquí dejo la carta original de SCUMSUCK en su idioma original, donde describe el por qué construyó esta página. He editado los enlaces externos para que se adhieran a mi estilización usual.

Letter to Whim

December 4th, 2022: I was inspired to make this page because Whim wanted "Silly cat videos or photos (can be of your own cat)" for Gobsgiving! I have a lot of silly cats, but cannot take photos of them because they are wriggly beasts who blur into oblivion. Since Whim is quite the inspirational webbed design artist, I hope you enjoy the coding and drawings instead!

This page was hand-coded to resemble the classic 2000's Neopets pet lookups. I looked up old Neopets screenshots, and copied some colors. Otherwise, I didn't copy any CSS from the site because I can't even find old HTML pages from Neopets to pilfer the code! The font used for decorative text is "Heffaklump". The Pokemon type symbols are from Bulbapedia. The background and top + bottom bar patterns are from Neopets, and are not part of the classic 2000's design, but I like them.

This site was a good exercise in eyeballing and emulating designs, as well as updating them with the cleaner modern HTML I've learned in the past year. For example, the entire page should resize appropriately for mobile devices :D And a lot of the styling is CSS based rather than being hardcoded into the images (like the pet portraits).

To Whim and any other viewers - feel free to copy the HTML layout and CSS styling for your own use. Also feel free to use the icons on the menu for your own stuff, with attribution to SCUMSUCK as the artist somewhere on the page. Creative Commons or whatever ya know? Just don't use any of these assets for profit or commercial usage.

Los Banners

Crea tu propio santuario animal y enlaza a esta página con este banner.

A banner of a black dog walking into frame in a blurry motion. Its snout is open and makes it look like it is smiling. Its eyes are bright from the flash of the photo. Next to the dog is the phrase 'i love my silly sickly dog' with a heart at the start of the sentence.
Mi favorito pero no le digas.

Los Homies

¡Si hiciste tu propia página de mascotas, me encantaría verla y enlazarla aquí! Mándame un link a la página por medio del guestbook y la agregaré a la lista.

A banner of a photo of a red dachshund with the text 'I heart my weenie'.
SCUMSUCK's weenie hut, which is full of cats.
A banner of a photo of a chocolate dachshund with the text 'drama'.A banner of a photo of a black cat with the text 'NO.'
Bobby y Dmitri, las criaturitas de groovy_ocelot.