I really loved Build. It was my first formal introduction to the franchise and everything about it clicked with me, but because my first encounter with the fandom turned out to be a little rocky and nobody seemed to care about my OTP, I ended up losing drawing power and switched gears into becoming fully zio-brained. I think my monster designs for it are pretty cool, so I will come back to this corner of the rider franchise eventually.

Quick Q&A:

Why are the pictures crustier than I remember? I optimize every file so it weights less than 500kb if possible.

Now that I can easily look at your build art, can I use it for this or that? Read my transformative policy to find out!

🔞: explicit content
🌶️: sexual themes (sex, sexual fluids, horny vibe)
🥩: violent themes (blood, injury, violence)
🪰: grotesque themes (vomit, waste, putrefaction)


gen Evolt, Gentoku, Misora, Souichi, Sento, Banjo. Canon setting, monster AU.

sensou 🌶️ Souichi, Sento, Misora, Blood Stalk. Canon setting, monster AU.


gen Sento. Canon setting. Ryuki's Shinji in the background as a special guest.

This page is a WIP! Lots of things might not work. That's okay, I'll fix it one day.

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