One day my neurons will activate and I will draw my actual OTP for this show. In the mean time, enjoy these few drawings.

Quick Q&A:

Why are the pictures crustier than I remember? I optimize every file so it weights less than 500kb if possible.

Now that I can easily look at your drive art, can I use it for this or that? Read my transformative policy to find out!

🔞: explicit content
🌶️: sexual themes (sex, sexual fluids, horny vibe)
🥩: violent themes (blood, injury, violence)
🪰: grotesque themes (vomit, waste, putrefaction)


gouchase Gou, Chase, Kiriko. Implied kirichase. Canon setting.


gen Medic, Brain. Canon setting.

This page is a WIP! Lots of things might not work. That's okay, I'll fix it one day.

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