Most of my Kamen Rider Zi-O art is shippy because I'm a hopeless romantic I guess, but live-action secondary works are a bit taboo in the show's country of origin, so I've kept it off public social media to try to be polite. Follower-only privatters, passworded poipikus, locked tweeters. Barely any of my drawings made it to my social media (except for my Weibo account, which only exists because miraculous Chinese friendships I made in the fandom invited me over to share my art). Here's a gallery to contain most of it, because I really miss looking at it and others have told me they feel the same.

Quick Q&A:

Why are the pictures crustier than I remember? I optimize every file so it weights less than 500kb if possible.

Now that I can easily look at your zio art, can I use it for this or that? Read my transformative policy to find out!

🔞: explicit content
🌶️: sexual themes (sex, sexual fluids, horny vibe)
🥩: violent themes (blood, injury, violence)
🪰: grotesque themes (vomit, waste, putrefaction)


gen 🔞🌶️ Black Woz, Ohma Zi-O, Sougo, White Woz, Geiz, Tsukuyomi. Canon setting, Evangelion AU, furry, another timeloop.

souwoz 🔞🌶️🥩 Sougo, Black Woz, OC. Canon setting, Utena AU, furry, another timeloop, satan's spawn AU.

omawoz 🌶️🥩 Ohma Zi-O, Black Woz, Sougo. Canon setting.

soushiro 🔞🌶️ Sougo, White Woz, Black Woz. Canon setting, soushiro+kuro.

other ships 🥩 urubuild, shirokuro. Canon setting.


gen 🥩 Black Woz, White Woz, Sougo, Ohma Zi-O, Tsukuyomi, Geiz, Red Woz. Canon setting, Utena AU, Saber Marionette AU, furry, another timeloop.

souwoz 🔞🌶️🥩 Sougo, Black Woz, OC. Implied soushiro. Canon setting, yuri, Utena AU, Houseki no Kuni AU, furry, another timeloop. satan's spaw AU.


gen Ohma Zi-O, Black Woz, Tsukuyomi, Sougo. Canon setting, alternative Wozi AU, DearS AU.

souwoz 🌶️ Sougo, Black Woz, Geiz. Canon setting, furry, another timeloop.

hiryuwoz Hiryu, Black Woz. Canon setting.


gen Woz. Canon setting.

souwoz Sougo, Black Woz. Canon setting.


gen Black Woz, Tsukuyomi. Canon setting, another timeloop.

souwoz 🔞🌶️ Sougo, Black Woz. Canon setting, furry, another timeloop.


This page is a WIP! Lots of things might not work. That's okay, I'll fix it one day.

¿Deja un comentario?


Si no puedes ver tu comentario, no te preocupes. Esta sección toma tiempo en actualizarse.

Abril 1, 2024

Es su arte no solo encantador, pero también poderoso; una fiel comparación con cierto muchacho con sueños soberanos, hasta donde llega esa analogia, ya se verá (aún no termino de ver la serie xP)
Sus habilidades de furrificación deslumbran con este ship como base.
Pero es necesario remarcar su capacidad para los AUs... utena¿? un clásico... Houseki no Kuni¿? hermosamente desgarrador; Saber Marioneta¿? Inesperado pero contundente.

Muchas gracias

Marzo 30, 2024

These are all so wonderful Spilly!! I seriously love how you draw these characters. It makes me excited to see Zi-O one day!

Marzo 23, 2024

Aaahhh I love your Zi-O art!!! I love how you draw Woz!!! ♡

return to arts and crafts