1. Kikuo - 鐗┿倰銇便倝銇便倝澹娿仚 4:00

    I crumble up your precious things / Pitter patter / It feels so good the moment it vanishes

    (alternative link to song)

    This is mine and groovy's mogamino song, by which I mean she introduced me to the song and I fell in love with the concept and wholeheartedly agreed on this being a mogamino anthem. Actually, I think I read this as being mogamino and mogamob AND minomob (in this case I'm using ship naming order to reflect order of abuse rather than top/bottom dynamics). The cruel playfulness of the tune fits very well with the sort social games Minori plays with her classmates and the way both her and Mogami ragdoll Mob around while stuck in Mogami's world.

    The last line of the song, "I can never say sorry to you", reads as almost apologetic to me, something truly Minori-esque before she reaches her breaking point. She finds some sick joy in a cruelty she's reasoned herself into practicing... until she doesn't.

  2. QOTSA - Hideaway 4:18

    You'll stay fast and lonely / Never ever need to run and hide from me / New prey, soft and easy, tangled forever in my arms / You owe me everything

    (alternative link to song)

    Groomer anthem, every grotesque picture of a mentor figure character should have this song in their playlist. Though Hideaway leans more into sexual readings than anything I really picture goes on with these characters (at least on the physical contact aspect), the lazy, casual kind of energy in both the music and the singing makes the possessivenes of the lyrics stand out in a way that quite fits Mogami, I think. He's in no hurry to break any of his toys. The love this song speaks of is a poison more than anything, something harmful.

    A tune for my mogamino and mogamob needs. Sorry to ONE-sensei, but perhaps he shouldn't have had Reigen calling Mogami a pedophile if he didn't wanna give me any weird ideas. Strange how we only see him hole up in young minds, hm!

    Here's a drawing born from a doodling session with this tune as background noise.

  3. Supergrass - Mary 4:00

    I tell you stories that you won't understand / I'll have you eating from the palm of my hand / I'm gonna push you further into my dream / The back of every head hold something obscene

    (alternative link to song)

    I found this song through my Discover Weekly spotify playlist, pressed the like button and didn't think much more beyond "that's a cool-sounding song". Because I am quite bad at understanding English-speaking songs unless I'm reading along, I simply assumed this song was about drugs (it's called Mary and I could somewhat hear the word 'green' in there, shrug). Jump back a year or two into the present 2023, where for some random reason I decided to look up the lyrics and oop, instant mogamino song.

    This tune takes the energy I enjoy in Hideaway as a mogamino song and further pushes the violent side of it, with rather direct mentions of psychological abuse and threats of physical violence. The puppetry imagery is a very nice bonus. Dreams both literal and metaphorical, the belief of a lurking darkness within every person, grooming... All with a playfulness dripping malice. Now that Mogami's got his roots deep inside Minori, she won't know a moment of peace.

  4. QOTSA - Monsters In The Parasol 3:27

    You've got a monster (Your pain) in your parasol (Drives me insane)

    (alternative link to song)

    Although the real meaning of the song is about drugs, the visual of the titular line makes me think of mogamino. And I figure the disorienting and stressful effect of a bad trip might not be so distant from the effects of having a monster living in your head.

  5. Caifanes - Hasta Morir 3:44

    No creas que por estar encerrado aqu铆 / No estoy pensando en ir por ti / Llevarte lejos muy lejos / Hasta que nadie se acuerde de ti

    (alternative link to song)

    Una canci贸n llena de amenazas. As铆 como con Hideaway, los gemidos y suspiros de Sa煤l Hernandez quedan un poco de m谩s para mi visi贸n de la ship, pero podemos hacerles un campito a los tonos sensuales de estas canci贸nes. Despu茅s de todo, el g茅nero de la posesi贸n supernatural siempre lleva un cierto sabor a seducci贸n de una u otra forma. Las visuales que plantea la letra son claras: el oyente (驴la v铆ctima?) no puede bajar la guardia solo porque el cantante parezca haber sido puesto bajo control.

    He considerado poner esta canci贸n en una playlist para mi girl scout Billie.

  6. QOTSA - Little Sister 2:54

    They say I'll only do you wrong / We come together 'cause I understand / Just who you really are, yeah baby

    (alternative link to song)

    I feel almost forced to add this song to the playlist if I'm going to be featuring QOTSA so heavily here. An older male singer speaking sweetly to a younger woman, convincing her they're meant to be. The quoted line above takes a darker tone if I put it in the mogamino context. I'm sure Minori's (self-proclaimed necessary) cruelty is a wound Mogami stuck his finger into as often as he could.

  7. Suicide - Dream Baby Dream (Long Version) 6:19

    Dream baby dream / Forever

    (alternative link to song)

    It's just vibes for me. The toy piano, the trance-like repetitiveness that you might end up sick of after a while (it's the long version).

  8. QOTSA - Everybody Knows That You're Insane 4:14

    You wanna know / Just how long you can hide from / What you are? / Not very long

    Lyrics that tease and confront the listener about their sanity, the emptiness inside them, the way they hide from their truth. That's very much mogamino to me.

  9. Garbage - Stupid girl 4:17

    You pretend you're high / Pretend you're bored / Pretend you're anything / Just to be adored

    (alternative link to song)

    A song where the singer looks down on a girl for her self-serving personality, mocking her for how empty she seems, wasting her life. I am lovingly dedicating this traack to my dear Minorin.

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