Vintage 2020
Sacred texts studied
📚 SVSSS (2014)

📺 Scumbag System (2020)
Favorite chara(s) Airplane Bro, Shen Jiu, Mobei-Jun.
Favorite scene Luo Binghe asking for romance advice from actual demons, where humanity's representative Shang Qinghua somehow manages to give the worst piece of advice.
OTP 👑moshang👑
Favorite OTP moment Cheek pinching revenge.
Other ships I vibe with ❤bingjiu
in theory open to all/sqq but in practice not really
shangjiu(?! it's uke x uke... I'll make it work)
sqh right fixed
sqq right fixed
binghe left fixed
lmy left fixed
Chef's specials BL, retransmigration AU, furry, guro.
Nutrients Fanart, fanfic, meta.
Fav fic(s) La terza vita di Shang Qinghua by cicia3

我有一只小狐狸 by 醉打山门

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Landmines 💥 qijiu, 💥 Binghe uke, 💥Bingmei poly, cumplane
Extra Tragic how season two is a group hallucination.

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