Mob Stocking 100 is a Mob Psycho 100-focused event hosted at Dreamwidth. Sign-ups began on October 25, 2023, and gifts were revealed on January 3, 2024. Rather than an exchange, the event is themed after holiday stockings, where participants would leave a profile post where they'd describe their preferences, and other participants would fill a stocking they're compatible with. The event was moderated anonymously.

I really wanted to draw more people in this exchange but I ran out of time. Next time, I'll try to time myself better.

Below is my stocking profile, all the gifts I made for other people during the event and some of the gifts I received. Any art by others has been shared with explicit permission of the artist!

🔞: explicit content
🌶️: sexual themes (sex, sexual fluids, horny vibe)
🥩: violent themes (blood, injury, violence)
🪰: grotesque themes (vomit, waste, putrefaction)

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My stocking

Name: spill

(Optional) Profile Link(s): homepage

Requested Media Types (fic, art, or both): fic and art are both good!

Things I Don't Want To Receive (DNWs): top Reigen, bottom Mob, reversed ship order from my requested ships (left name is top, right name is bottom) unless otherwise stated, poop, pee, vomit in a kink/sexual context not OK but as a physical/emotional reaction OK, excessive jizz or saliva, any kinks I don't mention explicitly, NSFW that wasn't requested, same age AU, workplace AUs (flower shop, coffee shop, company worker, etc), daddy kink or dom daddy type vibes, established relationship.

Things I Like: slowburn, preslash, age swap, role swap, love conveyed through violence, furrification (were-something, one or both of them are an actual regular animal, kemonomimi, etc, but not classic anthro furries), unresolved sexual tension, one-sided feelings. These sound a little grim lol so it can also be a moment of softness that doesn't quite reach a conclusion, I don't like things to get too sweet but can find enjoyment on something that makes me giggle and kick my feet.

Requested Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): mobrei, mogamino, mogarei (age swap only), riteku, mogamatsumoga

(Optional) Prompts: ALL OPTIONAL just spitballing here.

For mobrei: age/role swap, furrification, college-era Mob finally finally finally scoring with Reigen (one-sidedness has been going on for years, scenario can be from consensual to dubcon, with or without alcohol involved, with or without a prior "what are we" talk), creative use of ESP to breach intimacy restrictions, feeling jealousy for a client.

For mogamino: expand on canon, missing scene, pre-canon Minori meeting Mogami, post-canon mogamino reunion (Mogami seems to have changed at least a little bit by the time he got released from the bottle so maybe don't make him go super-psycho on Minorin), extremely stinky bad heavy vibes, feel free to amp up the pedomolestor energy of a grown ass old ass man youth-ifying his ghostly shape to look like he did in his prime and hanging out inside a little girl's body WITHOUT making the piece sexual, teddy bear imagery, PTSD, Stockholm syndrome.

For mogarei (age swap only): grooming gaslight girlboss Mogami keeping Arataka around as a toy/social experiment/actual experiment related to his powers/consumption of ghost stink energy, under the guise of teaching him how to use ESP (Arataka doesn't have ESP and he never will). Optional salaryman Mob mobrei can be thrown into the mix.

For riteku: discussing their unreachable goal (Mob) (you can read that as being side mobeku/mobrit), Ritsu growing to find Dimple's company/banter enjoyable, Ritsu bullying Dimple, age swap Dimple attempts to exploit Ritsu's brocon attachment to varying degrees of success. Dimple all forms ok (fart cloud, regular full power muscled form, security guard).

For mogamatsumoga: mainly interested in how you think this bond even worked lol in what ways did Matsuo attempt to train Pudding-chan? How did Mogami react to his new name and to the training? Stuff like that. Alternatively, gratuitous petplay eyecandy! (dubcon/noncon I guess? Mogami probably did not want to be someone's pet).

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My gifts to others


Uu-chan maniac for militarypenguin [AO3 archive]

Prompt: "REIGEN WITH DOGS - Uu-chan content"

Mob Psycho 100 fan art. A drawing of Reigen, a man with short hair wearing an office suit. He looks struck with happiness, smiling, face flushed and irises in the cartoonish shape of a heart. His fingers reach for his face as if he was about to cover his mouth in surprise. In the foreground is Uu-chan, a tiny dog-like shape with empty eyes and a somewhat friendly appearance, drawn in various poses, sizes and perspectives: looking over its shoulder, running, looking at the floor, jumping, sitting, with its tongue out, standing on its four legs. The top left of the drawing reads FORMILES, and the picture is signed as SPILL.

Reigen love Uu-chan, Reigen love Uu-chan very much! This is my visual interpretation of what having fav brain worms is like.

Restrained for Sarah 🌶️ [AO3 archive]

Prompt: "something something Reigen gets kidnapped and tied up"

Mob Psycho 100 fan art. A drawing of Reigen, a man with short light hair wearing a long-sleeved button up shirt, slacks, and a belt. He seems to be lying on the floor, bound by rope that zig-zags his torso all the way down to his crotch. His right leg has been meticulously tied up in knots so that it is bent and held close to his chest. His left arm is tied behind his back, while his right arm is extended down to be tied to his left thigh. His head is tipped to the side slightly, looking up towards the viewer, dry tear streaks on his face. The top left corner of the image reads FOR SARAH and a smiley. The drawing is signed as SPILL.

This was a very fun exercise in drawing shibari! I used reference pics to try and depict the ropes and knots accurately, and got to understand how this tying up business works at least a little bit better, yay.


Head empty alien thoughts for neen [AO3 archive]

Prompt: "any kind of feelings realization, i generally prefer tome being kinda oblivious abt romance with takenaka dying inside bc of his dumbass crush"

Mob Psycho 100 fan art. A dialogue-less comic featuring Takenaka and Tome. Takenaka is a boy with short dark hair with bangs, wearing a hoodie over his school unifrom. Tome is a girl with long eyelashes, shoulder-length black hair and uneven bangs, wearing a long-sleeved school uniform. Four panels. Panel 1: Tome sits at her school desk, chin resting on her right hand's palm, daydreaming. Takenaka stands behind her with a look of annoyance. He can read her mind, which is depicted in this panel as a thought bubble with an UFO that comes to steal Tome's brain away. Panel 2: Tome notices Takenaka behind her. Panel 3: Tome loses her sleepy look, brightening somewhat as she waves at him with a smile. Panel 4: Takenaka reaches up to put his earphones on, giving her a side glance. He's blushing a little. The top left corner of the drawing reads FOR NEEN with a smiley. The drawing is signed as SPILL.

My first time drawing taketome and Takenaka! I love Tome ships that involve an assortment of characters harboring feelings for her clueless ass.

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Gifts for me!


Matsuo gives taming Pudding-chan another shot by KittieMitties 🌶️

Mob Psycho 100 fan art by KittieMitties of Mogami, a gaunt pale man with shaggy black hair and fully black eyes wearing a dark green suit, a black shirt and black dress shoes, a pink muzzle and matching rope tying his ankles and wrists together along with colorful stickers, and Matsuo, a man with chapped lips, shaggy dark hair and bags under his eyes wearing a black jacket over a striped shirt, dark green slacks and dark brown dress shoes. Matsuo squats in front of a kneeling Mogami, gently touching his chin to lift his face as he says 'Don't you want to play with our friends?' Mogami bares his teeth at him.

I didn't think someone would draw for this prompt! I'm so happy, Matsuo ships in general feel a bit like rarepairs, though it might just be that I'm not looking in the right places. I'm so honored to receive a gift from KittieMitties again, who drew so many illustrations for this event! I love the the way the artist mixed my request for petplay with details that feel very fitting to Matsuo's aesthetics. Both their expressions make me very giddy hehehe.


kemono heaven by 2negaru

Mob Psycho 100 fan art by 2negaru of various drawings of Mob and Reigen as a panther and a fox, respectively. From left to right, top to bottom: Panther Mob and fox Reigen rest together, the panther circling the smaller animal with its tail. A profile shot of Reigen with fox ears, looking through the corner of his eye and a bit blushy. Mob with panther ears, sweating and grimacing. Mob with panther ears, hunching and hugging himself, mouth open, showing his fangs. Panther-eared Mob standing behind fox-eared Reigen with a shadowy face, placingh is hand on the older man's shoulder. Reigen looks like he wants to run away. Lastly, a drawing of Reigen with fox ears and tail, smirking and exhuding confidence with his body language.

Such a stimulating piece of art! I'm very biased towards making monochrome art with maybe one color accent, so this illustration is exactly what I love to make, looking at it immediately activated my need to draw. Every expression is so cute but I especially like the glaring panther(s) and the grinning Reigen. The textures, the subtle greys, the bright fox... So pretty!


I received a super cute mini comic of these two! I will post if I am given permission by the author.

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